Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just Tacos by Shelley Wiseman

I’m a huge fan of Mexican food, a truth to which my hips and posterior can bear witness, so when I say that this cookbook is both a blessing and a curse, surely you understand!

Just Tacos is just that – a cookbook devoted to tacos; those tasty little servings of flavorful goodness, all wrapped up in a homemade tortilla. I had no idea tacos could come in so many shapes and sizes and flavors, but this book is filled with recipes and easy to follow instructions for making not only the taco filling, but a wide variety of homemade tortillas. Everything from the traditional corn and flour tortillas to cilantro flavored, black bean flavored and even hibiscus flavored tortillas!

In addition to that there are salsa recipes and recipes for fillings like mushroom tacos, fried avocado tacos… the list goes on and on! Who knew there could be so much diversity in something as simple as a taco? And the pictures! Just another way to tempt and torture me!

Needless to say, this cookbook will be used again and again in my house.


  1. I love Tacos! I eat them all the time, its my fave thing! I will have to look into this. I don
    t really like cook books but maybe this would be a good one for us. New follower! Love your blog!

  2. Hi there! I'm glad to meet another taco lover! I think you'd love this cookbook, honestly. The recipes were easy and I even bought a tortilla pan so I can try out the recipes for homemade tortillas!

    And thanks for following, I'm glad you enjoy the site!
